Mama Portrait Series

This summer following my son’s birth, I invited mom’s over to my house on Sunday mornings to do a portrait series for a month. I had this little spot of wildflowers I was enjoying watching grow and wanted to use it as a backdrop. I wasn’t sure what I was doing but I wanted to take photos of mom’s I knew. I wanted them to have a moment that was perfect blue skies and blooming flowers, even though we all know that is not the case in our everyday lives as moms. Eventually the wild flowers faded and died in the Texas heat, but I cherish these photos. I have continued the series another year and hope to do it for all the future years, we have even added more moms. Fellow moms have helped me so much as I have navigated motherhood. Whether it be by giving me advice, leading by example, offering support and reminding me that I am not alone in this cosmic shift of my life- the fellow moms have been the constant.